Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Conceptual Learning

a) Web of the concept "counting" generated using the Lesh model

b) Identification of specific skills/concepts implicit in counting

c) Notes taken from observations of children being asked to perform counting tasks

Hundreds Chart - Upper Primary, Number Operations

We played two games using the hundreds chart:

a) guess the number based on clues
(e.g. does not have a one in the tens place, is larger than thirty, is not a multiple of four)

b) guess the pattern/organization
(teacher gives operations eg. four fives, six times two, four tens and a one)

Formative Assessment - Grade 1 Fractions

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Early Childhood - Space and Shapes

These laminated mats were used in the following ways:
- trace the shapes with your finger
- create the shape by laying objects along the perimeter of the shape
- experiment "filling-in" the shape using different objects
- practice recreating the shape beside the mat
- make the shape, then make it larger
- practice printing and saying the name of the shape
- look for other things with this shape in them in the classroom