Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Conceptual Learning

a) Web of the concept "counting" generated using the Lesh model

b) Identification of specific skills/concepts implicit in counting

c) Notes taken from observations of children being asked to perform counting tasks

Hundreds Chart - Upper Primary, Number Operations

We played two games using the hundreds chart:

a) guess the number based on clues
(e.g. does not have a one in the tens place, is larger than thirty, is not a multiple of four)

b) guess the pattern/organization
(teacher gives operations eg. four fives, six times two, four tens and a one)

Formative Assessment - Grade 1 Fractions

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Early Childhood - Space and Shapes

These laminated mats were used in the following ways:
- trace the shapes with your finger
- create the shape by laying objects along the perimeter of the shape
- experiment "filling-in" the shape using different objects
- practice recreating the shape beside the mat
- make the shape, then make it larger
- practice printing and saying the name of the shape
- look for other things with this shape in them in the classroom

Friday, April 9, 2010

Designing the Physical Environment

1. Security/Shelter
a) comfort & function
b) emotional safety created by soft, gentle things
c) feeling of space
d) welcoming environment
e) feeling of ownership over environment
f) reduction of interference (glare, etc.)

2. Social Contracts
a) interactions among students
b) interactions with the teacher
c) more shaping than reinforcing
d) consider how proximity sends messages
e) how much talking/communication needs to happen
f) ability to reach people

3. Symbolic Identifications
a) use/touch base on personal identity using bulletin boards

4. Pleasure
a) variety
b) colour

5. Task Instrumentality
a) materials are accessible
b) organization of shelves & labeling
c) plan pathways (to avoid congestion)
d) provide space for lining up at the door
e) seating so that evryone has a vie of instructional presentations
f) all should have space to keep their belongings
g) where to place the teacher's desk and if to get rid of it
h) separate kinds of activities

6. Cognitive Growth/Stimulating Environment & Materials